Avoiding Muscle Loss in Men Over 60 by Richard Uzelac
finallystanding December 17, 2022Muscle Mass Does Not Drop Overnight
Do you know how strong you are now? Muscle loss is usually inevitable as we age. Do you know that it takes several weeks or even months to see a noticeable change in your physique? So if you have trained and worked hard to increase your muscle mass and strength, you’ll notice changes within these time frames. But how long do we notice losing muscle mass as days pass by? According to a fitness trainer, we tend to see muscles diminishing after 4 to 6 weeks of inactivity. So you should come up where your baseline is now if you still need to get into building your muscles.
The shape and musculature of a man are indirect indicators of his wellness - Richard Uzelac
As you get older, your body begins to lose muscle mass. This is called Sarcopenia, and it is a normal part of the aging process. In order to prevent the loss of muscle as you get older, you must maintain an active lifestyle that includes regular physical activity and a healthy diet.
As we men grow old, our testosterone hormone counts diminish. Our testosterone is another factor that keeps us in our youth. And as everyone would love to keep their youth -there isn’t any groundbreaking one made yet, like how the movies claim and even supplements made for testosterone, specifically in relation to stopping muscle degeneration, isn’tisn’t even approved by the FDA. So what do we have to do to stop muscle loss?
- Protein – The loss of lean mass can begin as early as the age of 30, so older guys need to have a more protein diet over the course of 3 meals per day. The best way to build muscle is by consuming protein every day. Protein is an essential nutrient for muscle growth and maintenance. Lean protein sources include beef, chicken, pork, fish, eggs, and dairy products. But you don’t need to consume animal products to get the protein you need. Plant-based proteins like beans, lentils, quinoa, soy products, and other grains can also provide you with adequate amounts of protein to help you build and maintain muscle.
- Training – Experts agree that the best way to stop losing muscle mass is through training. When you have more muscles, it is harder to lose them. Every day we throw out calories for our muscles. This is why it is important that at least we should watch our diet and train our muscles. Have you ever noticed how it is so easy to lose weight but then so hard to keep it off? Muscles are metabolically active tissues and need nutrients to perform their functions. Thus it is so easy to lose them – and so you’d think, why keep working on them when in the end, they would eventually be gone?
Are you thinking about why you should not give credit to your muscles? Then read further…
Muscles are one of the most important parts of your body. They allow you to move freely, control your heartbeat and breathing, support your digestion, and are responsible for controlling your heart rate. Muscles, just like the rest of your body, thrive when you exercise and eat healthily. We could develop Sarcopenia, and it is important to note that Sarcopenia can cause disability, loss of independence, more frequent hospitalizations, long-term care needs, or even death if left untreated. This is why it is important to learn how to take care of our muscles as we age, especially these times that we’ve aged.
You can also develop Sarcopenia from environmental and lifestyle changes, like inactivity, lack of exercise, prolonged bedrest, loss of mobility, poor nutrition, dental problems, and obesity. It’s important to note that even overweight or obese people, and those who are physically active, can be at risk. Chronic diseases can also cause Sarcopenia. Some of the cellular changes that lead to Sarcopenia can be caused by these diseases.
Bodyweight Exercises – Do you know that good bodyweight training is a great exercise to boost your testosterone? Instead of stressing and having our cortisol levels to get high with those weights do this workout instead. As a result of having too much cortisol in our bodies, we would even see our testosterone drop very rapidly
PRT ( Progressive Resistance Training )- Undoubtedly, the best way to build muscle mass at any age is to engage in progressive resistance training- Weight, reps, and sets – as your strength. Start with light weights and perform fewer reps then
Bodyweight Exercises – Do you know that good bodyweight training is a great exercise to boost your testosterone? Instead of stressing and having our cortisol levels to get high with those weights do this workout instead. As a result of having too much cortisol in our bodies, we would even see our testosterone drop very rapidly
PRT ( Progressive Resistance Training )- Undoubtedly, the best way to build muscle mass at any age is to engage in progressive resistance training- Weight, reps, and sets – as your strength. Start with light weights and perform fewer reps, then work your way up to heavier weights and more reps. Though regardless of age, the Progressive Resistance Training was designed to build muscle strength in older guys.
The health of your skeletal muscles plays an important role in your overall health. Having more muscle mass can help make you stronger and may help increase your endurance. Now you can start to slowly rebuild that muscle and keep it. It’s never too late to regain muscle mass. Remember that.
-Richard Uzelac