Flexibility for Men over 60s by Richard Uzelac

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flexible senior

While many assume that senior people can not be flexible, it is true that as we get older or body stiffer, there’s no reason that our age should let us down. Aging comes along with that, thus making it inevitable.  Regular exercise is always helpful for dealing with mobility problems, no matter what your age may be. If you’re feeling a little stiff and sore, a little regular exercise will help you hold up the decline of your mobility. 

Chair Exercises

  • Sit with your legs bent, feet on the ground. Lift your right foot and turn it in circles as if making a circle with your toes.
  • Stay behind the chair and step your left leg forward. Bend your right knee slightly, keeping both feet on the floor. Repeat on the other side.
  • Sit while moving your head to the right, then back to center, and then over to the left.
  • Hold a strap or tie in front of you with your hands far apart and then drop them in front of you so the strap is across your chest and then raise the strap over your head and repeat

Posture exercise

  • take your hands over the back while interlinking your hands. Then lift your chest, while drawing our shoulders raise your hands
  • Lie on your back with a strap, belt or tie around the sole of your right foot. Bend your left leg and place the foot on the floor. Straighten your right leg or keep it bent slightly. Repeat on the other side.
  • Tuck your arms behind your head, roll onto your stomach and lift your feet off the floor. Hold for 10 seconds.
  • To get your body into a more upright position, stand with your feet hip-width apart. Clasp your hands together and raise them above your head, aiming to reach the opposite side of your body by leaning across your hips. To deepen the stretch, grasp the top wrist of one hand and bend it over your opposite elbow.

Flexibility Routine Workouts for Seniors by Richard Uzelac


Yoga Vs Pilates: Which is better for you? By Richard Uzelac 

“I used to think the only way to get a good workout was through weights, but I tried Pilates and I love it!” – Richard Uzelac



When it comes to increasing strength and flexibility, Pilates is a better choice than yoga. A combination of both might be more effective if you want to improve overall wellness. It;s not only for women by the way, I’ve always been bragging about how practical weight training is in my previous blogs. Still, I can’t help but share this another workout because Pilates makes me feel great in talking about flexibility.

When it comes to increasing strength and flexibility, Pilates is a better choice than yoga. A combination of both might be more effective if you want to improve overall wellness. It;s not only for women by the way, I’ve always been bragging about how practical weight training is in my previous blogs. Still, I can’t help but share this another workout because Pilates makes me feel great in talking about flexibility.

Joseph Pilates created this good workout. It engages your whole body and leaves you refreshed and alert, with a lot of self-confidence. It’s a total-body conditioning program that blends from Eastern and Western physical and mental conditioning philosophies. Did you know that people today live on average, about 80 years. That’s if they exercise regularly and eat well.

The Essence of Pilates


  • Stretches the tight muscles
  • Strengthen the deep stabilizing muscles, including postural muscles, to stabilize your spine.
  • Work on any alignment issues and develop core strength and stability.



2. Yoga

For some guys who love to do yoga. You wouldn’t want to start doing your routine without the Sun Yoga Salutation. A sun salutation is a series of 12 yoga poses (asanas) that are linked to each other in a sequence. It’s supposed to be an effective way to warm up before you start your workout or as part of your cool down routine. 

2. Treadmills

Running on a treadmill can help you actually up your calorie burn and improve your strength in the process. This also focuses building up your posture and the most easy way to stretch all your muscles and at the same time become flexible

3. Jog

Jogging may be ridiculously easy, yet it is the most powerful way to build your endurance. It’s also a good way to strengthen your joints and may prevent arthritis.

4. Bikes 

The fondest among and my most favorite, Biking. It’s not only enhancing your leg muscles but it also enhances your overall flexibility.

We always spend most of our days sitting, making our hips not in it’s full capacity because it is always at 90 degrees and our body has adapted to where it is. If we just have to do even any of these simple workouts I guarantee you will make the most out of your flexibility even at the age of 60 or 70.

Richard Uzelac
Enterpreneur | Founder of Realty Tech Inc
and Go Marketing | California State Powerlifting Champion